Running on empty

Running on empty

In the Great Fuel Crisis of Autumn 2021, those queuing at the petrol pumps may have wondered who was to blame. Could anyone have seen it coming? Could anything have been done to avert it? With scenes of forecourt chaos receding in the rear-view mirror, we would do well to scan the road ahead for any other looming disasters. And to take note of the warning lights blinking up on the NHS dashboard. Because the consequences of the healthcare tank running dry don’t bear thinking about.

The debilitating effects of depression

The debilitating effects of depression

Depression manifests itself in a physical way to the extent that it can, on occasion, become debilitating. Unfortunately, it is one of those invisible illnesses like vertigo, chronic fatigue or even simply a bad back.

My recent depression was caused simply by a very unpleasant turn of events in my life; things that happened completely beyond my control. I don’t generally suffer with depression, it’s not a general mental condition that I have. For me it needs a trigger.